“QuoteTag”: un originale search engine di citazioni famose


Nell’ormai vasto panorama dei motori di ricerca, “QuoteTag” si distingue per il tipo di risultato che propone: un vastissimo elenco di citazioni famose in lingua inglese classificate per “tags”.
Il database comprende circa 3000 citazioni divise in 39 categorie che coprono tantissime aree, dalle sport alla tecnologia, dall’istruzione all’arte o al successo. Possiamo cercarle non solo in base alla tematica cliccando su un tag, ma anche inserendo una parola chiave nel comodo motore di ricerca (“search“) che ci restituirà tutte le citazioni disponibili che contengono quella parola. QuoteTag include anche un piccolo gruppo di wallpaper azzurri che richiamano il colore dominante del sito e riportano alcune delle più belle citazioni disponibili.
Un sito utile sia agli insegnanti, per frasi motivanti da proporre in aula per affrontare dibattiti o scritti, sia a chiunque abbia voglia di riflettere un po’ migliorando anche il proprio inglese.

“The Things We Steal From Children”


Dal blog di Miss Wyatt, uno splendido scritto sulla scia del celebre “If…” di Rudyard Kipling, dedicato a tutti noi insegnanti pronti ad affrontare un altro difficile, complicato ma sicuramente appassionante anno di lavoro coi nostri ragazzi: domani, almeno nelle mie aule, si ricomincia.

The Things We Steal From Children

by Dr John Edwards

If I am always the one to think of where to go next.
If where we go is always the decision of the curriculum or my curiosity and not theirs,
If motivation is mine,
If I always decide on the topic to be studied, the title of the story, the problem to be worked on,
If I am always the one who has reviewed their work and decided what they need,
How will they ever know how to begin?
If I am the one who is always monitoring progress.
If I set the pace of all working discussions,
If I always look ahead, foresee problems and endeavour to eliminate them,
If I swoop in and save them from cognitive conflict,
If I never allow them to feel and use the energy from confusion and frustration,
If things are always broken into short working periods,
If myself and others are allowed to break into their concentration,
If bells and I are always in control of the pace and flow of work,
How will they learn to continue their own work?
If all the marking and editing is done by me,
If the selection of which work is to be published or evaluated is made by me,
If what is valued and valuable is always decided by external sources or by me,
If there is no forum to discuss what delights them in their task, what is working,
what is not working, what they plan to do about it,
If they have not learned a language of self-assessment,
If ways of communicating their work are always controlled by me,
If our assessments are mainly summative rather then formative,
If they do not plan their way forward to further action,
How will they find ownership, direction and delight in what they do?
If I speak of individuals but present learning as if they are all the same,
If I am never seen to reflect and reflection time is never provided,
If we never speak together about reflection and thinking and never develop a vocabulary for such discussion,
If we do not take opportunities to think about our thinking,
If I constantly set them exercises that do not intellectually challenge them,
If I set up learning environments that interfere with them learning from their own actions,
If I give them recipes to follow,
If I only expect the one right conclusion,
If I signify that there are always right and wrong answers,
If I never let them persevere with something
really difficult which they cannot master,
If I make all work serious work and discourage playfulness,
If there is no time to explore,
If I lock them into adult time constraints too early,
How will they get to know themselves as a thinker?
If they never get to help anyone else,
If we force them to always work and play with children of the same age,
If I do not teach them the skills of working co-operatively,
If collaboration can be seen as cheating,
If all classroom activities are based on competitiveness,
If everything is seen to be for marks,
How will they learn to work with others?
For if they…
have never experienced being challenged in a safe environment,
have had all of their creative thoughts explained away,
are unaware what catches their interest and how then to have confidence in that interest,
have never followed something they are passionate about to a satisfying conclusion,
have not clarified the way they sabotage their own learning,
are afraid to seek help and do not know who or how to ask,
have not experienced overcoming their own inertia,
are paralysed by the need to know everything before writing or acting,
have never got bogged down,
have never failed,
have always played it safe,
how will they ever know who they are?

Se il vostro inglese vacilla, chiedete a qualche collega di inglese di tradurlo per voi:
in un colpo solo, lo diffonderete e potrete apprezzarlo in lingua italiana 🙂